Friday, April 8, 2011

Simply Delicious

So I'm not going to be camping in Kern River this weekend with my favorite people, due to illnesses and sorts, but I'm hoping to get my hands on these:
Go ahead, lick your lips, close your eyes and imagine how yummy these cupcakes are!  Especially with some Vino...  Looks like there's going to be a ladies trip to Los Olivos this weekend where undoubtedly there will be pimpful picnicing in the middle of vineyards, 35mm film loving, and sheer enjoyment of red wine!

I hope you make the most of your weekend too my darlings...

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Love the pic of the cupcakes - it's so awesome and different from how most people shoot them. We're stoked you're coming in. Send me an email if you want us to set aside cupcakes for you ladies, as we tend to sell out early on the weekends.
