Thursday, February 3, 2011

Inyo National Park

Ah there she is!  Tomorrow morning I will be heading to Yosemite with my favorite people in the entire world, even mom & pops are coming!  I'll be bringing my ice skates, as I plan to do some triple axels and fierce spins underneath the gorgeous face of Half Dome.  There will be plenty of delicious beers, cause let's face it... We are The Peters after all.  Can't wait to clear my head and play some guitar. 

Have you ever been?  What was your favorite memory?

1 comment:

  1. Too many memories to choose from but our maiden voyage to Half Dome was probably the most fun I've ever had up there, catching so many fish along the way and perching atop the famous spot at the summit where countless important people have stood. The experience of finishing up and being physically destroyed but soothed by the taste of jalapeno cheese pizza and oatmeal stout lent the extra nudge towards a perfect day.

